South Pacific Gaming: March 8-Player Teams

Later this month, on the 15th & 16th of March, South Pacific Gaming (SPG) is holding its 2nd 8-player Teams event. Unlike the first iteration of this format, run back in September of 2024, the upcoming event boasts players from more than just New South Wales and Queensland; the Australian Capital Territory join Queensland in travelling to NSW to compete. 

This event is particularly exciting for Australia’s top competitive players, as it provides the last opportunity to practice for the
Australia & New Zealand Teams Championships (ANZTC), which is also an 8 player teams event.

This year, the ANZTC is going to be held in April, hosted by James Stewart in Hobart, Tasmania, and it’s hotly contested which state will take home the podium placings of that event.

Therefore, it’s no small assumption that the performance of Australia’s interstate teams attending SPG’s teams event will show an indication of not only players and their preferred factions, but overall team drafting, performance and strength.

Last time, a Queensland team led by Team QLD’s captain, Erik L., took home the first place placing of SPG’s September 8 player teams event, but with so many more strong teams attending and ANZTC looming around the corner, it’s anyone’s guess which team will come out on top.

However, continuing a precedent set back in September, South Pacific Gaming is also holding an exclusive army raffle, in which an entire, fully commissioned army will be won and taken home by an attendee of the event.

September Raffle Prize

Last time, a Chaos Knights army, painted by Jeff Cowell and Nathan P., was won by Michael R.

March Raffle Prize

This time round, Jeff is joined by TwistedBrushStudio’s Andrew Sherman, and the Dark Angels army up for raffle is stunning. Check out the sneak peak of the Lion!

We’ll be reporting the results of the 8 player teams event afterwards, but if you’re interested in live gameplay from the event, we’re proud to say that Scotty from AustralisTWN will be covering the event over on YouTube/Twitch. 

Lastly, if you’re a Tournament Organiser or Event Organiser in the South Pacific and/or Australia, please feel free to reach out to us; we would love to include your events on the Events Calendar function of our website, as one of our main goals is to uplift and support South Pacific’s TO’s.


South Pacific Gaming: April 6-Player Teams